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Four Cats on the Sidewalk

Sponsor a Cat In Need

In a year, an unspayed cat can have up to 2-3 litters of kittens, perpetuating a cycle of homelessness. Many outdoor cats, lacking human interaction, are fearful of people and unable to thrive as domesticated indoor cats. With a donation of just $100, you can sponsor a cat through our Trap-Neuter-Release (TNR) program and cover the cost of its medical care. Your sponsorship ensures they receive care and attention, despite not having a permanent home or family. If you can't adopt, the Sponsor a Cat In Need program offers a meaningful way to help without a long-term commitment. Join us in making a difference for these cats!

Image by Lily Banse

You can sponsor a cat in need with a donation of just


Your donation would provide a stray cat with life-saving medical care and a name! If you don't have the means to adopt a cat, the Sponsor a Cat In Need program is a great way to help a homeless cat, without the 10-20 year commitment of adoption.

Your donation covers: 

  • Spay/Neuter Surgery

  • Rabies & Distemper Vaccines

  • Dewormer Medication

  • Flea & Tick Treatment and Prevention

  • Ear Tip

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